Wednesday, 23 January 2013


I suppose no new conversation can start without introductions!
Well here goes mine,
I'm Revathi Kolagani, a final year Computer Science and Engineering student currently living in Bangalore, India.

When I said conversation earlier, I meant it!
This blog is basically like me talking to a few of my friends and telling them about some awesomely good/awfully bad food I've had at places.
I often find myself answering phone calls from people without so much as a hello from them to start, its, "I'm in *insert random location in Bangalore* tell me a good place to eat around here"!

While there are several websites to facilitate you in this tedious choosing process while your stomach growls at you, I find, a recommendation about a particular dish at a place always helps more than a restaurant's description of itself.
No one would ever think to order Mexican food at a Sukh Sagar here, but I have had it several times and found it to be some of the best I've ever had, without burning a hole in my pocket. (Sadly they have removed that section of the menu now)

I am in no way going to be a contender for the Best Food Photography Blog on Saveur Magazine, most of my photos will be taken on my phone (HTC Wildfire S) and sometimes edited on Instagram (follow me @revaboutfood). Please feel free to email me ( for any queries you may have. I'm more than happy to recommend a restaurant to you based on your cravings. :)

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